Sunday, October 13, 2013

Let's Start Pursing God

This is a copy of the initial email and info I sent out to those who were interested: 

Hey Everyone! 

Thanks so much for attending Leaders Edge last night. It was great to be with you. And thanks for showing interest in studying Tozer's book Pursuing God. There are 13 of us! It seems the Lord is stirring in Genesis Church a renewed hunger and thirst for Himself. In taking this step, you are demonstrating your hunger and thirst to personally pursue God. Over the next several weeks, I believe God can use this book as a tool to help us grow in our relationship with Him. Here are some details: 

We will start next week. So please order the book as soon as possible. There are a few different versions. I recommend one of these two -  without the study guide: with the study guide: (whether you choose to get the one with the study guide or not is your choice, but after further reviewing it, I don't think it's necessary) If you prefer to use a Kindle or iPad, here is the eBook version on Amazon: 

This is an 8 week self-guided book study. So each of us will be responsible for reading the book and personally seeking what God wants to say to us over the next 8 weeks. However, some organization, intentional guidance, and group interaction may be helpful in maximizing our personal study and prayer experience. So I will provide a weekly assignment for us. There will be 3 parts to each week's assignment - ReadingPrayer, and Journaling.  The assignments will be merely suggestions - this ain't college! So please feel free to dismiss anything that you feel is not engaging, helpful or a good fit for your study style. (You won't hurt my feelings!) 

Reading - a chapter or two from the book, as well as selected portions of scripture 
Prayer - this could be specific passages of scripture, topics or questions to pray to the Lord about
Journaling - as you read, I'll encourage you to consider writing down various thoughts, observations, and prayers

We will read the chapter(s) the week of the Sunday listed below. For example, we will read the Preface and Ch 1 during the week of Oct 13 - 19.  I will send the Assignment Email on Sunday afternoons. Again, this is just a suggested schedule, please feel free to read at your own pace. If you want to jump ahead or if you get behind, catch up at convenience. 

Wk 1 Oct 13 - Preface and Ch 1 
Wk 2 Oct 20 - Ch 2
Wk 3 Oct 27 - Ch 3 and Ch 4
Wk 4 Nov 3 - Ch 5 
Wk 5 Nov 10 - Ch 6 - 7 
Wk 6 Nov 17 - Ch 8 
Wk 7 Nov 24 - Ch 9  
Dec 1 - Ch 10

I hope this is clear and helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. I am excited to see what fruit God will bear in our group over the next 8 weeks. Praying with and for you. 


Psalm 27:8 My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, Lord, I will seek.
Psalm 42:1 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?

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