Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Read Chapter 5 this week

Hey Everyone, 

Hope you are adjusting nicely to the time changes and cold weather! We are going to keep moving forward this week with our reading of Tozer's The Pursuit of God

There are "consequences" for pursing the Lord. One of those "consequences" is the painful experience of heart transformation. This week I was reminded of a statement one of my friend's made to me about 2 years ago. He said, "Kevin, we are only transformed in the presence of God." I have found that to be true. As I have sought to daily dwell in the presence of God, it seems His first order of business is to purify and humble my heart! I think of Isaiah when in Isaiah 6:1 - 5, he saw the Lord "high and exalted" and Isaiah's response was "woe to me...I am unclean!" As I have an ever-increasing awareness to living in God's presence, it seems He wants to do more work in me, before He wants to do work through me. But thankfully, our Father is kind-hearted, gentle and gracious and can sympathize with our weaknesses. 

What other types of "consequences" are you experiencing as you seek to pursue the Lord in this season of life?

Assignment for this week: 

Reading - Read Chapter 5 of Tozer.

Journal - Simply list a few of the lessons you are learning about what it takes to pursue the Lord. 

Prayer - Psalm 139 - read and pray through it. Notice, that for the majority of the Psalm, David is focused on the reality that he lives in God's presence. And pay attention to how David responds in the last 2 verses. 

Praying for you by name! 


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