Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Review Ch 6, Read Ch 7 and 8

Hey Everyone, 

Hope all is well with you today, recovering from the Thanksgiving weekend. Well, last week's assignment in our Tozer book study, The Pursuit of God, was to read chapters 6 and 7. I must confess, I only finished chapter 6! 

So, if you're a little behind, that's ok! Let's try to catch up this week by reading chapter 7 and 8. 

One of the lines from chapter 6 that left the greatest impression on me was on p 72 (in my book) and it reads: "The tragedy is that our eternal welfare depends on our hearing and we have trained our ears not to hear." 

Over the last couple of years, one of the major lessons the Lord has been teaching me is this - He deeply desires for me to hear His Voice. He is my Father and I am His son and like any good dad, God wants to engage in conversation with me. I think of John 10:27 as it reads: 

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." 

Hearing the Lord's Voice is essential to the Christian life. It's not optional. Yet so many of us in the church today go many days, months, even years, without hearing His Voice. I pray God would cultivate in me, ears to hear! And I am praying for each of you by name today, that God would continue to increase your ability to hear His Voice! 

Assignment this week: 

Reading - Chapters 7 and 8 

Journaling - Find some time this week to spend time in God's presence. Open up your journal. At the top of the page, write down a question. Ask the Lord something. I have found its helpful for me to often ask Him what question to ask Him! But ask Him a question and be prepared to listen to His answer. More often than not, God uses scripture to speak to us. So have your Bible ready. And be prepared to turn to a passage of Scripture that He leads you to. I did this just today and it was so encouraging! I'll hope you'll give it a try. 

Prayer - John 10:27 - "Lord, help us to hear Your Voice as we follow You!

If there's anything I can be praying about for you, please let me know! 


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